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>>I didn't leave bodybuilding until I felt that I had gone as far as I could go. It will be the same with my film career. When I feel the time is right, I will then consider public service. I feel that the highest honor comes from serving people and your country.<<

Arnold Schwarzenegger




     & We!come

     to a new project!




To shorten a long story: I have a strong interest in inspiring female lawmakers and political leaders. So Kamala Harris is the defining answer to our prayers. A competent and outstanding legal mind and a great Senator from California and an even more inspiring Vice President. Togehter with Tim Walz, she will change modern American history for ever. Breacking the strongest remaing glass celling in North America.  Building from the great foundation done by a legendary First Lady, Senator and Secretary:


In 2008 she brought 18 million cracks in the highest glass celling in America. And in 2016 she more than trippelded the cracks to over 66 millions. Recently at the DNC in Chicago Secretary Clinton spoke abouth the content beyond the glass celling. With  one word: Freedom. I call it comprehensive freedom in America for the people. 

Togehter with Tim Walz, Harris can turn Texas blue with respect to the Electoral College and the more and more purple Senate Seat. She can transform Arizona and Georgia into the blue columne. She can take back Ohio, Iowa, North-Carolina and even Florida. And win finally the second Congressional Seat in the State of Maine. 

In short America stands truly once more at the crossroad. Harris and Tim Walz standing for the future and the next political generation. Ready to reform the border problem and transform America's energy future. Keeping the crucial Affordable Care Act, which cured millions of American's. Defending reproductive healthcare. Moreover defending Union and Worker rights and the Federal Department of education.

Originally the idea for this website was about adding space for some missing letters on my twitter account. In the process the idea transformed to a larger project: For instance to introduce some issues I care about such as the anti-poverty campaign. And to a comprehensive website with several pages.


Now I intend to introduce myself to you, because this website is adressing You: I am a young writer, former five term ONE Youth Ambassador and with so advocate against extreme poverty and a young man, who is literally addicted by public service and inspired by policies, politiy and politics.

Already as a pretty young guy I felt the desire to go beyond the talking points and soundbites to engage in politics with this old fashion aim of serving your country. Well, I have to confess I still do!


 The center of my motivation still bases on excatly, 

what post-modern pundits call old fashion attitude:  that politics is about the people and about making a difference in your life. For you and your future: To name climate change and fiscal discipline at the front. I admire lawmakers who puts fiscal discipline first. For instance I am very proud about the fiscal state of Germany.  A nation so close on a balanced budget and later for a tripple on a surplus. 

All of this is history, indeed. Then Corona hit, the invasion of Russian Droid armies into the Ukraine hit and vice versa...


Well in short, time has changed through the many crisis - we are in the huge deficite again. Germany's beloved Federal Chancellor went into retirement. But I am confident in Germany's new leader to make progress that our country so strongly needs.


 The most critical crisis is climate change. Even far more consequential then deficit spending. In the near past we all could have done rather easily so much more on fighting human produced climate change. At the end of my introduction part, I will come back on this very issue.

In America after four years of Donald Trump in the White House we have time for new leadership, Biden and Harris together with the Democratc majority in the United States Senate are poised for comprehensive progress for America and the World.


My second confession is on foreign policy: I have a deep cosmopolitical interest literally and figuratively from Berlin to Benin:

Targeting North American, moving criss-cross the 54 recognized states of Africa plus the West-Sahara, honoring  the biggest ally of the west Israel - whose interest always will stay close to my heart and whose democracy is literally at stake at this very moment. 


Covering the exceptional "German French bilateral relation," with a special passion for Weimar Triangle between Germany, France & Poland and not neglecting Russia - a foreign country I visited with barely 16 on a schoolexchange and whose fascinating language I learned on a nice school since first grade and I have here to admit I am a passionate follower of the concept of "smart power" concerning foreign policy.

Close to my heart is of course the war in the Ukraine to me. Probably to all of us the war in the Ukraine is close to our heart. I invite you to pray with me to an end of the terrible war in the Ukraine that respects the original Ukrainian borders. And to rebuild the Ukraine with comprehensive commitment.


And YES! My third confession is about the needs of time: After literally 44 POTUS of male gernder - You Know - I just think it's time to take a look to Americas most finest women and to impulse, urge, push, endorse and support America's most qualified women on their historic run for the oval office on both sides of the aisle! In one word: Keep going Kamala Harris!

Thanks to Selina Meyer, there is at least a Vice POTUS breathing and going in D.C. - which is Great News - from the great home state of Minnesota and exceptional native state of Hollywood. And by the way I don't mind but don't you think it's time for Latino America to be considred on the ticket as well? It's not Breaking News that Latino America is bigger than Marco Rubio: So just for instance Julian Castro from the state of Texas and on the Republican side the first Latina governor of the nation, Susana Martinez [New Mexico} and many more prominent aspiring and inspiring hispanic names should't be missed on any shortlist in 2016 or 2024.

Now we are writing the year 2024 and still there in no woman in the Oval Office. Legendary Senators like Dianne Feinstein from California are not anymore present under us the living. But surely they celebrate in heaven.  But we have to celebrate our first female Vice President and second female candidate from a major political party, Kamala Harris from California, as well.

And watch with great interest the competion of the Republican side. I hope as many Republicans are running as Democrats run in 2020. I support a ranked choice voting like in Maine or Alaska for the primary process. With  Liz Cheney and Nikki Haley my potential ranked choice vote in the Republican primary would start. So let's make the eletion 2024 to one of the greatest election in history. 

America as the shining city upon the hill stands figuratively for the power of freedom that inspired the people in Poland to  put down the Iron Curtain and in East Germany to put down the Berlin Wall.

And I salut Ronald Reagan, Helmut Kohl and Margaret Thatcher right away to make this historical development possible that led to the end of the cold war:

Likewise the citizen of the East Side of the Berlin Wall that demanded their rights to the old communistic elite.


 By growing up in the post bipolar decade in East Germany I got inspired every day on the American Dream. The other cultures of the West always strived to replicate this land of opportunity ethos. The cultural code deeply rooted in the historical imperative of America since Revolutionary War that it is not about your background but about your God Given talent. 


As I wrote prior this website is about you! I am raised in the conviction that it is about contributing in building our community forward: I promise never to forget about those, who have to fight to live from 1,25$ a day. You know, I am passionate on this and hope You will join our common effort and fight the revolution to end extreme poverty until 2030. 


Public service or politics is not about advancing your own interest or enjoying a profession full of privileges, but it is about serving your consituency, the people and not least human mankind.

That's why my first priority was about serving those neglected on the global economic sideline, the gender sideline, the religious sideline, the ethnic sideline, the LGBT sideline or the rural periphery in the so called global South.


Especially those totally overseeen, overlooked and invisible by their governments. A true inspiration is coming from the catholic side with his Holiness Pope Francis I. His commitment for poor people in Argentina as bishop and cardinal and around the globe as pope is truly inspiring. My personal hope is that the catholic church is doing more progress on women. 


And You know what? Coming and growing up from modest circumstances, I always will support the middle class,

which is the engine of our economy and the true backbone of

our society. It is in fact no pure accident that every functioning democracy has a shining middle class. Democracy get's in jeopardy,

where ever the middle class is gone or never really emerged. That's why all of us simply have to be an advocate for a truly prospering middle class or we can't inherit a functioning nation to the next generation.  

The next generation will be heavily influenced by the issue of climate change. The most important issue for our very Earth. I am simply so inspiered by Greta's Fridays for Future movement. Then there is no better way to demostrate the politicians the stunning demand for action on climate change. 

And we never shall quit on the indispensable transatlantic relation or forget about the basic fact: That America is truly an exceptional nation. With respect to science. economics, also the military and last but not least the cultural strength - America is the greatest country that ever existed in the history of the world.


I hope you will enjoy the following sites and I am most eager to hear about you, listen to your story and getting your comment as well as your literally vital input.

Let's get truly beyond the soundbites and poll driven policy proposals. It takes no more than a digital kitchen table to decide the future of our country and several, if not all of the global issues.


The future of the next generation is truly at stake. As the Founding Fathers, who set up the most glorious nation on Earth, took with bold decions the future in their hands, we have to take our future back in our hands. So act on climate change and suistanibility and on extreme povertey. 

We all know the parable of the mote and the beam. So let's critical evaluate our own approach with respect to consumption, fiscal balance, counter inflation, treatment of real life refugee's in the neighborhood as  well as  somewhere far away on foreign shore's and what really matter's in life. 


May God bless our work and you and your family.


             Best Regards from Berlin, Germany
















Meine Autobiographie:
"Die Schwachen sind

Remaining Time until

the Race for the White House is called with CA; OR; WA closing thier polls in November 5th, 2024


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